2017 NYLA YSS Spring Conference Followup

On Friday, April 28, 2017, the Youth Services Section of the New York Library Association presented their Annual Spring Conference, Out of the Box, chaired by the Finger Lakes Library System’s Member Services Librarian, Amanda Schiavulli, across three locations in Downtown Ithaca: The State Theatre of Ithaca, Cinemapolis and the Tompkins County Public Library.
Over 200 conference attendees, vendors and presenters enjoyed a BEAUTIFUL day of walking through the Ithaca Commons, comfortable theater seating at breakout sessions, and an after-party.
The 2017 Service Project, Books and Backpacks, was a success! We received 204 books to distribute to local Backpack Programs.
The event was catered by GreenStar Catering who offered a wide selection of breakfast and lunch options.
The Downtown Ithaca Alliance made it possible for the conference committee to connect with the venues and local businesses for the complete Out of the Box experience.
Special Thanks to the 2017 YSS Planning Committee | Vendors Included: |
Thank You to the Following Local Businesses who Offered Deals and Discounts for Conference Attendees. |
An extra special thank you to FLLS staff Eric and Chuck who provided IT support, photo taking, transportation, and running errands to keep the day running smoothly.
Be sure to check the NYLA-YSS Facebook Page for photos of the event. Please tag and share!
The following programs were presented at this event. Links to their presentations are included in this description if they provided them:
Keynote Address by Sue Kowalski
Connect with her on Twitter: @spkowalski
Advocacy through Action-Crush the Box
Sparking Teen Creativity With New Programs
Presenter: Kristie Revicki, Morristown & Morris Township Library
Learn how you can collaborate with local teachers and community organizations to infuse creativity coaching methods into your summer programming and beyond.
Spark Creativity Camp Resource List
Yoga Storytime
Presenter: Diane Hamilton, Om Child Yoga
An introduction to teaching yoga, breath and mindfulness to children through stories plus developing a family yoga story hour.
Yoga Storytime Basics (84MB)
The Innovation of Making
Presenter: Heather Turner, Teacher Librarian, Fabius Pompey MS/HS Library
This workshop discussed how to get more out of a Makerspace. How do you get students to get beyond crafts and into deeper levels of thinking? We will also talk about how to setup a Makerspace in your library with large and small budgets.
Innovation of Making
Creating Community Partnerships to Encourage Families with Babies to Frequent Our Libraries
Presenter: Brigid Hubberman, Children’s Reading Connection
Brigid Hubberman, founder of Children’s Reading Connection, will share models and best practices for community partnerships that promote and support families with babies developing the habit of taking their babies to the library early and often.
How Tweens Roll
Presenter: Shannon O’Connor, Edith B. Ford Memorial Library
Creating engaging tween programs and keeping order are only half of the fun; getting kids to a rural library is the real challenge. Learn the steps the Ovid Library used to create the LIFT (LIbraries for T(w)eens) Afterschool Program which provides bussing for all attendees.
Collaborative Luncheon with Adam Rubin and Daniel Salmieri
We heard about the brand new Dragons Love Tacos 2 the Sequel! Check their website for release dates and more information: www.adamrubinhasawebsite.com/ and www.danielsalmieri.com/.
Minecraft Basics: Starting a Program in Your Library
Presenter: Drew Montreuil, Groton Free Library
Learn the basics of the hit gaming craze, Minecraft! By the end of this workshop, you will know what a Creeper is, understand why Minecraft fits perfectly in libraries, and have all the tools you need to tap into this great resource to attract youth!
Minecraft for Libraries
Teens My Life
Presenter: Jessica Gordon, Finkelstein Memorial Library
Make your library programs relevant to the real life pressures and experiences your teens are living. The Teen My Life series uses three to five programs to present teens with college and life skills that are useful for the future.
Teens My Life Presentation
Supporting Homeschoolers Panel
Presenters: Gina Varrichio, Homeschooling Parent, Diane Pamel, Southworth Library
Do you have homeschooling families at your library and are not sure what they need? In this panel, learn about some of the resources homeschooling families need and how to reach out to these under-served patrons.
Homeschooling Panel Presentation
Homeschoolers Guide 2017 | TCPL Homeschool Guide 2020
Program Planning for All
Presenter: Madelyn Lombardo, Phillips Library and Tully Free Library
Learn how to develop programs in a snap! You will learn many resources to help you in getting program ideas and then learn how to take these ideas and make a tremendous program. You will also learn how to plan your programs so that years down the line you can look back at your previous programs and put one into action in a flash.
Sensory-Friendly Libraries: How Libraries of All Sizes and Budgets Can “Adapt and Include”
Presenter: Kate DeVoe, Tompkins County Public Library
This informative training session will introduce participants to Tompkins County Public Library’s “Adapt and Include” programs—Sensory Storytime, Sensory Films and the ever-popular Sensory Station. Participants will learn how to leverage the expertise of community partners to develop and strengthen inclusion-based program offerings and how to make all library programs more inclusive.
NYLA YSS Adapt Include
Interactive Picture Books
Sample Outline
Sample Outline
Sample Visual Schedule
Autism Booklist
Autism Resource List
Unboxing Your Ideas!
- Literary LEGO®s
- Tara Montoney, Seneca Falls Library
- Literary Legos Handout
- LGB and Especially T: Serving Queer Youth
- Regina DeMauro, Tompkins County Public Library
- Serving LGBT Youth
- Mini Lock-In Events
- Chrissie Morrison, Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library
- Mini-Lock-Ins
- Summer Reading at NYS Libraries
- Sharon Phillips, New York State Library
- Toot Your Own Horn
- Christina Ryan-Linder, Greenburgh Public Library and Gail Brown, Voorheesville Public Library
- Webinar Library Marketing
- 10 Tips for Marketing
- Social Media Optimization
- Marketing Your Library
- Collective Intelligence
- Writing fo Civilians
FFL Summer STEAM Camps
Presenter: Leah Kraus, Fayetteville Free Library
Participants in this session will learn strategies for how to plan and execute their own summer camps and leave with ideas for individual STEAM and coding programs they can use throughout the year.
Summer STEAM Camps
Proposal Template
Grant Writing that Gets Results
Presenter: Janet Cotraccia, Community Foundation of Tompkins County
Whether you are new to grant writing or have some experience under your belt, this workshop will offer practical tips on how to sharpen your skills. Examples of library-related applications will show you what works and what might need a little tweaking to put your proposal on the top of the list.
Grantwriting That Gets Results NYLA YSS Spring Conference PP 4.28.17
Retail Your Space
Presenter: Margo Gustina, Southern Tier Library System
Design your space for use and warmth. Highlight your collections and remove barriers to enjoyment! In this workshop we’ll take the best from the world of retail, combine it with the best in library service and try our skills out on the book floor.
Retail Your Space YSS 4-28-17
Retail Your Space Resources
Guerilla Storytimes
Presenter: Lorie Brown, Southern Tier Library System
Guerrilla Storytime: the part-training, part-advocacy storytime event, in which training is directed by the attendees! Bring your storytime questions, problems, and examples of your favorite songs and finger plays to share with your colleagues!