inmotion email

InMotion Email Information

Web Mail

Webmail Login ScreenEmail hosted on InMotion can be accessed via a web browser, with email clients such as Microsoft Outlook, or apps on Android and iPhone. 

Webmail can be accessed using the address “” (eg Enter your email address and password and click the “Log In” button.

InMotion offers three mail clients, Horde, Roundcube, and SquirrelMail. Horde and Roundcube are the more modern of the three while SquirrelMail uses more basic text menus. When you log into web mail you’re prompted to choose a client. You can make that choice each time you log in or you can set one client to be your default that will come up automatically each time you log in.

Once you’re in web mail, there’s a settings menu and logout options on the top, right of the window. The settings menu is accessed by clicking on your email userid.

Webmail Settings MenuThe settings menu has several options including the ability to switch email clients, set up autoresponders, mail forwarding, filters, and change your password.

Autoresponders can be used to send out of office messages if, for example, you’re going to be on vacation. Autoresponders can be set to run indefinitely or to stop after a specified amount of time.

Filters can be used to sort incoming mail into folders, forward to another address, or even be discarded.

Forwarders can be used to forward email to another address. Note that forwarding email leaves a copy in the inbox as well as sending a copy to the forwarding address.

Email Clients

There are several email clients that can be installed on library computers but we recommend Microsoft Outlook which is included with Microsoft Office. 

There are two main connections used by email clients, POP3 and IMAP. 

A POP3 connection downloads email from InMotion and stores it locally on your computer. Some clients can be configured to leave a copy of the downloaded email on the server and then remove the email from the server after a set period of time. This is the recommended configuration because email stored on a staff computer can be backed up. FLLS doesn’t provide a backup for email left on the InMotion server.

IMAP connections store email on the InMotion servers and are accessed by the client. While email on the client can be accessible in an offline situation, such as on a tablet or laptop, any email lost or deleted on the server will be removed from the client the next time it connects to the server. Unless a backup is taken prior to that, lost email may not be recoverable.

The exception to IMAP connections would be mobile devices such as tablets or phones that are being used in addition to an email client on a computer. Mail would be available to those devices but once downloaded, and removed from the server, to a staff computer, the email would no longer be accessible from the mobile device.

InMotion hosting does keep backups of their servers and if there’s a crash, data, including email and websites, will be restored by them. The CNS department has set up backups for WordPress for all member libraries. There is no mechanism on InMotion to take backups of the email accounts. That’s one reason we recommend POP3 accounts with a client like Outlook, so that libraries can back up their data offline and secure it.

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