What’s Your Job?: A Library Trustee Orientation
What’s your job as a library trustee? Come to this workshop and find out! Executive Director Amy Starr Zuch will provide an orientation to cover topics such as:
- How libraries are structured in NYS, library types and what the differences mean;
- Library funding options and fiscal responsibilities;
- Relationship with the library director;
- Policies and planning;
- Advocacy and PR;
- Laws, rules, and regulations you need to know about;
- and more!
Orientation sessions will be held on the following dates:
Wednesday, August 28th 10am-12:30pm in the BorgWarner Room at TCPL
Thursday, August 29th 6-8:30pm in the BorgWarner Room at TCPL
To register, visit http://www.eventkeeper.com/code/events.cfm?curOrg=FLLS#3233892 .