FALCONS Meeting Minutes – August 24, 2023
The meeting was held on Zoom. Eric called it to order at 9:32 AM.
Minutes submitted by Mary Ann Frank – MARA
FLLS Staff Present: Eric Franks, Deborah Geier, Heidi Eckerson, Jenny Shonk, Sarah Glogowski
Member Libraries Present: Sara Knobel (GRO), Diane Pamel (DRY), Allen Tompkins (FAIR), Andrea Tillinghast (OVID), Lisa Carr (AUB), Erin Chapman (NEVA), Gayle James (CATO), Laura Mielenhausen (TRU), Nicole Quinn (WEED), Lisa Semenza (POP), Donna Schwender (CAN), Jaymie Closson (CIN), Mary Ann Frank (MARA), Sandra Groth (AURO), Susie Gutenberg (LAN), Carla Piperno-Jones (UNS), Heather Cobb (MCGR), Sue Chaffee (NEW), Sue Chandak (WAT)
Introductions & Announcements:
Eric’s Announcements
- There are 4 new library directors – Donna Schwender (CAN), Nicole Quinn (WEED), Mikayka Worzel (OWE). Sue Chandack (WAT)
Sarah’s Announcements
- Priscilla from Homer is retiring next Thursday. I have been working with Priscilla and the board to fill that position. Hopefully by October it will be filled.
- In September there will be a wage transparency law coming into effect. I will email directors and trustees info about that.
- We are in the process of holding interviews for the page position.
- We are accepting resumes for the Polaris position.
Approval of Minutes
- Approval of minutes from May 18, 2023, Diane Pamel made the motion, none opposed.
Old Business
- 2023 Bulk Computer Buy Information – Eric informed us that some of the computers have been quicker but he has had to prioritize his workload with the added responsibilities since Rex has retired.
New Business
2024 Falcons Budget
- The budget increase is $10,000 over 2023.
- Annual maintenance for member libraries will not be increased.
- We are not using Vega so the cost of the maintenance for 2024 has gone away.
- Salaries and Benefits – Part of Jenny’s salary was figured into the budget for the training that she provided. She will no longer be doing the training so the budget is only for 2.
- Licensing went up a little bit. This is licensing software – Bomgar that we use for remote control, the self-service tool if you lock yourself out of Polaris, the ThinPrint software etc. Public web browser is no longer in the budget, TCPL was notified so they will be purchasing for their own needs. Malwarebytes was added into the budget.
- Support cell phone service – This line item is increased as Rex took his phone with him as his contract stated and we will need a new phone for the new person.
- Equipment increase because we need to get a new back up unit.
Sarah mentioned that the budget is fluid. There might be some minor tweaks and that the new person might shift some things around.
Questions and concerns – Diane Pamel asked about the process for TCPL closing for the HVAC project. Sarah said that she will contact Leslie about the questions for the deliveries and ILL. Andrea Tillinghast asked if they were getting quality candidates for the CNS position. Sarah said, no. We are getting quality people for the page position. Andrea Tillinghast asked why is TCPL closing. Sarah responded because of the HVAC project. Sandra Groth asked where the money comes from that is over the CNS budget. Sarah explained that the CNS budget is only part of the FLLS budget and the FLLS budget takes care of it. Lisa mentioned that an employee has COVID and that there are more COVID cases popping up in their area.
Diane Pamel made a motion to adjourn at 10:08.
Next meeting is November 16, 2023.