Date: May 18, 2017

Present: Stephanie Langer NEVA, Michelle Calupca LAN, Priscilla Berggren-Thomas HOM, Marcia Enright CAN, Jen Schlossberg TCPL; Ben Eckley TCPL, Shannon O’Connor OVID, Cheryl Austin WEED, Meredith Gallaro OWE, Jacalyn Spoon CORT, Meghan Malloy SENF, Tammy Kubinec NEW, Mary Frank MARA, Sandy Groth AURO, Lisa Semenza POP, Anna Chappell PORT, Sara Knoble GRO, Carla Piperno-Jones UNS, Diane Pamel DRY, Heather Tielens TRU.

Remote Attendees: Amy May LODI, Chelsea Stirlen INT, Fran Miller BERK, Heather MCGR, Brandi WAT, Amy CORT, Chris WAV, Carolyn Chatterton CATO.

Minutes: prepared by Shannon O’Connor, Ovid

Introductions and Announcements

  1. Welcome to New Member: Ben Ackley, Digital Librarian at TCPL
  2. Sarah’s announcements:
    • National Library Legislative Day had over 500 attendees from 50 states. Met with ALA staff, reporters, Senators and Representatives.
    • IMLS funding safe until Sept. 30, need to work on advocacy for 2018 at the state level.
    • Next Minimum Standards Meeting in August.
  3. Amanda’s announcements:
    • SRP – not official state spreadsheet yet, use last year’s format.
    • Yoga Workshop on June 22.
    • Read-To-Read Grant – last call for ordering toys and materials.
    • YSS was a success, thank you for the participation.
    • Please post your SRP events on Facebook. Individual library FB events are being shared by Amanda on FLLS’ page.
  4. Shannon: Ovid has a new Librarian, Heather Dungey, who will start mid-July.

Approval of Minutes – Pricilla motions, Stephanie seconds. Unanimous.


Old Business

One-Card, Many Libraries – Jen

  • Rex – keep merging cards. If not a duplicate, then remove the block. If someone does have two cards, recommended you keep the block. Encourage one card to limit exposure of items lost or e-content downloaded.
  • There is no FLLS policy regarding the cutoff time period for removing patron fines.
  • Add discussion of how individual libraries are handling outstanding fines to August agenda. Jacie will send out her proposed policy.

Backstage Library Works (Quickbib)

  • Rex – Backstage has been contracted to automate the process of searching quickbibs.
  • Deb – If you have NONE in 020 and 024, send item to Deb for processing.
  • FLLS protected site login – additional Polaris documentation. Jenny created a step-by-step for creating a quickbib.  Contact Eric, Rex or Jenny for the protected site login.

Update on Webhosting

  • Eric – Webhosting option is available for all libraries. 3 currently being processed.
  • Rex – TWC email queues have improved. Begin to budget for internet costs. Spectrum free account is not enough. In looking at Broadband service – request a fixed IP address. This is highly recommended.
  • Traffic shaping through router – aside from white listing, contact Rex for assistance. Rex can trim classes of service to limit bandwidth for individual devices.
  • Eric – there is no limit to whitelisted IP addresses. Sometimes rebooting a modem can generate a new IP address and you have to whitelist that.


New Business

2017 Computer Bulk Buy – Eric

  • Bulk buy order forms link on the network services computer department.
  • Chromeboxes are included. Can run LEAP, Lib Data, Power Pac. Can reuse a monitor with Chromeboxes. No mouse or keyboard included. Need a $30/year license fee to attach to Chrome management system. FLLS will bill. You have to use cloud printing or you can set up your printer with e-printer.
  • All-in-ones with no DVD drives included. DVD drive or portable DVD drive can be purchased and barcoded for patron use. $43 option to include DVD burner in the all-in-ones. All-in-ones can be wired or wireless, recommended wired.
  • Laptops, no DVD option. Libraries report patrons like using laptops. Some libraries barcode them to check out. Deb is able to create a more detailed record to attach to the laptops. You can pay for a Low Jack service to deactivate and track the item. TCPL circulates iPads and none have walked off.
  • Bulk buy order forms due by June 9. June 23 deadline to pay.

Polaris upgrade to v. 5.5

  • Rex – upgrade out at the end of June with an update schedule for a Wednesday in July.
  • Polaris Discovery has been written for mobile devices and tablets.
  • Upgraded items – searches with related words, plural, synonyms and alternate spellings; searching algorithms; hours page on the smart phone will display; slide out menus for smartphones; icon updates for material types; related words link in the search to include more results; drop down to determine number of results on page; dashboard link to click Available Now?; in a patron list, titles will link to current availability; select multiply titles and place holds from your list; record limits in my list lifted; bulk hold requests; in search results can see if already requested.
  • LEAP: Web App is the direction we are going. LEAP training in the fall. Rex wants to get rid of remote desktop. In LEAP can add item records, do patron merge, staff client parity for functionality, check-in and inventory, reprint part receipts, create record sets, ILL requests. Recommended library staff begin using LEAP client.


  • Meraki updates are applied automatically or on a schedule Rex sets.
  • Reminder that email notices are free vs. printed notices.

Carla motions to adjourn. Pricilla seconds. Unanimous.



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