(edited with change recommended at 8/16/2018 FALCONS Meeting)
Attendance: attached
Minutes prepared by: Lisa Carr, Auburn
Introductions and Announcements
- Tammy attended, representing Cortland and Martin Toombs represented Seneca Falls.
- Sara Glogowski (FLLS) congratulated libraries for successful referendums. She mentioned that the SRP Online Registration for Summer Reading is still in limbo. More information to follow as it becomes available from the State. Sara also mentioned the Ask a Lawyer program from South Central Regional Library Council.
- Jenny Shonk reminded attendees there are DVDs (and other items) available to a good home.
- Motion to approve minutes as amended made by Lisa Semenza, seconded by Sandy Groth. The motion was approved unanimously.
Old Business
One Card, Many Libraries
- Lisa Carr proposed moving One Card/Many Libraries from FALCONS to DAC. There was discussion with the consensus of leaving it as a FALCONS item.
AskUs Reference
- Jenny has answered 22 questions since 2/25, with most of the questions pertaining to circulation issues and policies. Jenny thinks it would be better to direct these questions to member libraries rather than making patrons go through FLLS first for items that Jenny can’t resolve. Rex will make this change so questions go to each library.
PowerPAC Design Committee
- Rex will schedule a meeting after the Polaris upgrade is completed.
New Business
- FLLS Hosted Credit Card Payment Policy Change (Jim Stebbins, FLLS): Currently member libraries receive the distributed credit card payments monthly. Jim has proposed making an annual payment for fees that total less than $10, and a semi-annual payment for fees that total between $10 and $35. There was discussion about whether automatic deposits instead of checks would be a good option. It isn’t due to fees. There was agreement to accept Jim’s proposed changes to the payment schedule.
- Bulk Buy (Eric, FLLS): The bulk purchase forms went out in the delivery. Remember if you have an Ithaca 610 Receipt Printer, it won’t work with Win10 and you’ll need to purchase a new printer. Eric answered questions about Chromebooks. He said if you’re purchasing Chromebooks for staff, you can buy them anywhere – there is no extra discount going through FLLS.
- Almost Overdue Notices (Jen Schlossberg, TCPL): While patrons love the auto-renew feature, there is still some confusion about what items get renewed/don’t get renewed. The Almost Overdue notice goes out 2 days before an item is due and is a snapshot in time. There is a chance that an item won’t get renewed because it can fill a hold. Jen presented two options on changing the wording of the notice. Rex will check on the second option (removing the “potential renewals” section).
- Library document backups (Rex, FLLS): Rex stressed the importance of having some kind of back-up system in place. There is a new document on the FLLS website outlining options. Reach out to Rex/Eric if you have questions or need help with this topic.
- Polaris upgrade (Rex, FLLS): The upgrade, scheduled for May 30th, will include 5.6 and 6.0. You can use offline checkouts while the system is down. Remember you cannot check items in while in Offline. The What’s New in 6.0 document was sent out on 3/27/18. Highlights include:
- Google Capcha on Donations page
- One Click Holds
- PAC: filtering remote OCLC
- Acq: allow change of PO number before PO is released
- Change in pricing for EDI
- LEAP: making it align with how the staff client works; adding Request Manager
- Patron Privacy & PatronID data scrub (Rex, FLLS): Currently, there is patron ID data going back to July 2005. Rex proposed scrubbing data of the patronID for a specific period of time (ex: keeping current 3 years). Jen asked what kind of data would be lost and how would that impact patrons or libraries. We would lose patron information pertaining to transactions such as check out. So Rex would be unable to tell you who checked out a specific item in 2010 for example. This can be set at the system or branch level. Rex prefers it to be a system wide setting. It would not impact the patron’s “reading history”. It was agreed that we would think about this and bring it to the next FALCONS meeting.
- DVD Material Type (Rex, FLLs): Rex has been asked to create a BluRay material type so that patrons looking in the catalog will know when they select DVD vs. when they select BluRay. The idea is to help eliminate confusion. Rather than making that change, Rex will rename the material type “DVD” to “Videodisc” and then patrons will need to use Collection and Volume to select the correct item.
Open Discussion
FALCONS Sign In Sheet May 17, 2018
Name Library
Jen Schlossberg TCPL
Cheryl Austin WEED
Tammy Sickmon CORT
Carol Forde NEVA
Lisa Semenza POP
Marcia Enright CAN
Linda Kacapyr CAN
Anna Chappell PORT
Mary Frank MARA
Sandy Groth AURO
Cathy Sorber APAL
Shannon O’Connor OVID
Carla Jones UNS
Sara Knobel GRO
Elizabeth Helmetsie SPE
Caroline Chatterton CATO
Ksana Broadwell TRU
Diane Pamel DRY
The following people attended via the webcast:
Lisa Carr AUB
Fran Miller BERK
Martha Nettleton CIN
Aimee Derwood CORT
Priscilla Bergren-Thomas HOM
Chelsea Hastings INT
Susie Gutenberger LAN
Tammy Kubinec NEW
Meredith Gallaro OWE
Chris Brewster WAV