Upcoming Trainings

Three trainings covering various aspects of Polaris will be held in August at Finger Lakes Library System. Registration is required and limited to 10 participants. Check out the descriptions below and click on “Register” OR visit our Calendar of Upcoming Events: www.flls.org/calendar-2/

Advanced Polaris Training
Wednesday, August 12
Finger Lakes Library System conference room
This training will cover a variety of advanced Polaris techniques ranging from changing the receipt printer message to exporting record sets from Polaris to Excel. Topics included in this session: circulation tips, quick bibs, advanced searching, advanced holds, and record sets. Registration is required and limited to 10 participants. Register

Polaris New User Training
Monday, August 17
Finger Lakes Library System conference room
This workshop is designed to introduce Polaris to new users or to serve as a refresher course for current users. Topics covered include: log on/off, check in/out, shortcuts, navigation, patron registration, patron services, searching, item/bibliographic records, holds, and the PAC. Registration is required and limited to 10 participants. Register

SimplyReports Training
Wednesday, August 26
Finger Lakes Library System conference room
SimplyReports is an Add-on product available from Polaris. The program allows the user to create custom reports using SQL (System Query Language) without requiring the user to learn SQL. It allows you to custom design a report based on criteria YOU select. If a canned report in Polaris does NOT do everything you wish it would, does NOT display the information in the order you would like it to be in, or is missing information that you feel is relevant, you can design a report that has all those missing aspects. The class will cover how to create, save, edit, and schedule reports. Useful canned reports will also be included. Registration is required and limited to 10 participants. Register

Please contact Jenny with questions, comments, & suggestions: call (607) 319-5613 or email jclark@flls.org

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